Midterms will come out next week Parents. All parent codes to view grades were handed out last week. If your student did not give you the code, either one of two things happened: 1- the 1st period teacher accidentally forgot to give it to your student. In that case they need to ask again for it on Monday; or 2- your student didn’t deliver it to you. In either case, you can call the school, give us your student’s name, and we will email the teacher to give it out to them and you can ask for it that same day. Also, as a reminder, we have tutoring and technology help daily after school, (except Friday), from 330-530 in the library. If you have any further questions, please give us a call at 304-420-9595. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
I wanted to thank those staff members, parents, and our student that spoke at the board meeting last night. I know everyone is concerned about everyone coming back to some capacity. At some point and time, I do believe it will happen. We as a staff and student body must continue to do our part of staying socially distant, washing our hands and wearing a mask that covers our mouth and nose. The students and staff at PHS have done an amazing job so far. You have exceeded my expectations. I predicted that students would come back more mature about it and so far you have done that…So thank yo!. We do the best we can so the students can do the best they can. Have a great day!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Parents this is Parkersburg High School with an important announcement. Here at PHS we understand that many families are not traditional from the standpoint of both parents living under the same roof with their child. With that in mind, in order to pick up your child, please make sure you return the pink health informational form back to school so that we can keep all of your information up to date, so that we can help all parties involved who come to pick up their child, give their child an item, or request to see them without delay. If your child lives with one parent and not the other, unless we have a court document that prevents either party from having contact, either one of the parents, or someone listed on the contact form, can pick up a student from school. Help us help you by making sure all information is up to date with your current mail address, and phone numbers. Thank you for helping us addressing this issue.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
As a reminder, tutoring, credit recovery, technology assistance, and mentoring are all offered and available for students after school on Monday-Thursday from 330-530 in the Library!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Life skills class redoing the Senior Flower bed. Great job Mr. Reiner and crew!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Sr flower bed
Thank you maintence for starting to install our touch less water bottle filling stations!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
This is PHS with some important messages for all students: 1-Seniors who have registered to take the SAT tomorrow, Wednesday, September 23, need to be here by 7:45am. Classroom assignments are posted in the front and back hallways of the 1st floor Main Building. 2-Those whose classroom teachers are giving the SAT will report to the Library for that period and use it as a study hall. 3- No bells will be working on Wednesday due to the SAT, so teachers will dismiss by the bell schedule. 4-Those students interested in running for student council or school office should contact Mrs. Swisher or Mr. Stephens in room 131C. The elections were not held last spring due to Covid. They meet every Monday and Tuesday at 7:30AM in the auditorium. 5-Currently only family members can attend sporting events. Even though we have home events, no students or fans can attend unless they are a part of the student athlete’s family in the same household. If you have any further questions, please give us a call at 304-420-9595. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Athletic schedules are changing weekly due to Covid-19 and the color metrics from the state. Please follow our Event schedule for updates. https://www.woodcountyschoolswv.com/o/ph/events . For example, we were supposed to play Cabell Midland this coming Friday 9/25 in Football, but we are now playing Huntington High at home at 7:30 instead. Our AD updates the changes weekly!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Those in virtual school classes, or that don't have an English class at PHS, please come to school on your assigned day by alphabet to the admin office for us to take you down to get your picture taken. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Picture Day is THIS WEEK! 9/21 for A-K and 9/24 for L-Z so mark your calendar! No order is due now. Picture Flyers have already been handed out to everyone in homeroom. All students will get their picture taken whether ordering pictures or not so they can get a student ID which is required to wear. To prepare, pick out some simple accessories to complete the outfit and begin thinking about hairstyles. You can also order via this link https://inter-state.com/order . Our school code is 52368X.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
If you do not have a student at PHS and would like to stop receiving messages from us, please email me at kdemoss@k12.wv.us or call the school at 3044-420-9595. Numbers change many times or maybe the wrong number was typed in. Let us know and we will remove it. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Neck gaiters are here! They are $10 and you can get one in the admin office!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Neck gaiter
If you need a Proof of Enrollment to take to the DMV, please plan ahead. There is a 48 hour turn around on those forms. So if you have an appointment at the DMV, do not come the same day and expect your form to be completed and given back the same day. Thanks for understanding.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Attention all parents and students. Remote learning days seem to be a hot topic of conversation. Here are the expectations of learning for your student when they are on their remote learning day: 1- The student needs to log onto Schoology daily and be responsible to complete all assignments posted whether they are on remote days or on-campus. 2- The student will abide by all school policies in the student handbook, including the acceptable use policy for technology. 3- The student may receive asynchronous instruction (videos, reading, PowerPoints, assignments, etc.) outside of assigned on campus times to engage in during their remote days. 4- The student needs to communicate with teacher(s) any needs related to engaging in Remote Learning including lack of internet access. 5- The student needs to complete assignments and understand that they are responsible for their work whether they are on remote days or on-campus. The blended model is not a model in which students only work the days they are on campus. If that were the case, then only half of the intended content would be taught over time. They are to be learning 5 days a week with a blended style and be just as responsible as if they were supposed to be on-campus 5 days a week. All students have scheduled days to be on-campus. No student can be completely on a remote learning schedule unless you are taking WV virtual school classes. The blended model we are currently in under code yellow is not a WV virtual school component. Again, students with a last name beginning with A-K attend M/W and students with a last name beginning with L-Z attend T/TR. If you have any questions about anything I just said, please give us a call at 304-420-9595. Thank you and have a wonderful evening. Kenneth DeMoss Principal Parkersburg High School kdemoss@k12.wv.us
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Parkersburg High School has an effective LSIC. Local School Improvement Councils (LSIC) are required per W.Va. Code § 18-5A-2. These councils exist at each public school in West Virginia. Membership of the LSIC is comprised of teachers, service personnel, bus drivers, parents, business and community representatives. An election occurs annually for membership. The LSIC is directly involved with the operation of the local school in many ways. The LSIC reviews discipline data and procedures yearly and submits written recommendations to the local school board. They encourage the involvement of the school community with the school operation through regular LSIC meetings and collaboration. They support local initiative for school improvement by being directly involved with the strategic planning and innovative ideas. A direct link with the local school board occurs through an annual meeting at which all school aspects inclusive of academics, athletics, discipline, school climate, facilities, needs, improvement and recommendations are presented and discussed. The first annual LSIC meeting will take place Friday, September, 18th at 10am. If you are interested, as a parent, in attending, please email me at kdemoss@k12.wv.us to gain access.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Update on student parking....we only have 31 spots left for Juniors and Seniors. If you are interested still, you must come between 730am-8:00am at the finance office. We will not be selling during lunch or after school.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
This is Home: PHS remembers Mary Lou Hague 19 years after her death https://www.wtap.com/2020/09/11/this-is-home-phs-remembers-mary-lou-hague-19-years-after-her-death/
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Parking spots for Juniors will go on sale Monday at 7:30am. Please line up outside the left door of the admin office with completed forms and money in hand!
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
Student picture day is coming for A-K on September 21st and L-Z on September 24th. Picture packet information was handed out in home room.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
When you walk into Student Services at PHS, the first thing you see is Mary Lou. On the left, is the flag that flew over the US Capital on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 in honor of Mary Lou and on the right is the “in memoriam”. RIP Mary Lou! Gone, but never forgetten.
almost 4 years ago, Kenneth DeMoss
In Memorian
US Capital Flag
Student Services