The student council constitution can be viewed constitution.docx
Upcoming Events
10/7 Dress up- Sleeping Beauty wear your pJs
Parade 10/7 Fairplains to Erickson starts at 6 pm
Powder Puff at Erickson gates open at 6pm cost $5 (no passes accepted)
10/8 Dress up- Magic Mirror- Twin Day
10/9 Dress up- Story Time- Dress up like your favorite character
Door Decorating judging
10/10 Dress up- Mad Hatter- Crazy Hat day
Food Drive items due
10/11 Crowning of court at halftime of Game
10/12- Dance 7-10pm enter back lot, cost $10 tickets end 10/11 at 3:00pm
10/27-29- Fall Convention- Cost is $180
10/31 Costume Contest
11/1 Trunk or Treat 5-7pm back lot
11/11 Veterans' Day Clean Cemetery
11/6-20th Turkey Hands sold
11/22 deliver meals to families in need
12/15 Holiday Movie
12/17-19 Winter Spirit Week
12/17 Christmas Party
1/9 Super Leadership Day
1/30-2/3 LEAD
3/16 Winter Dance
3/24-28 Spring Spirit Week
3/28 Staff Student Basketball Game
4/9 Spring Celebration
5/7 Car Wash
5/27 Graduation
President: Abby Ferrell
Vice President: Landon Henthorn
Secretary: Jaiden Vargas
Public Relations: Ali Evans
Historian: Savannah Dennis
Senior Class President-Emerie Freshour
Senior Representatives: Donovan McDonald,
Emilee Moyers,
Ava VanDyke,
Sharon Lin,
Bryar Greene
Junior Class President- Landon Henthorn
Junior Representatives: Ava Branham,
Gavin Zheng,
Wyatt Tomlinson,
Audrey Smith,
Alexy Petty
Sophomore Class President- Chloe Lesher
Sophomore Representatives: Audrey Beary,
Kadem Frum,
Chloe Lesher,
Isaac Blair
Freshman Class President- Haylee Bale
Freshman Representatives: Analeigh Bennett, Audrey Raffa, Zoie Scott, and Lillian Traugh
Meetings are held Wednesday at 7:15 am in the little theatre. Any student is welcome and please notify any of the above voting members or Advisor Jaime Moss for items to be added to our agenda. More information can be obtained by emailing our Advisor at
More Information see our latest brochure of activities here Student Council Brochure 2023.docx