Jackson Generals Cheer

Attention All Girls Interested in Trying Out for Jackson Cheer:

Here are some important dates for this upcoming week…

August 8th- Mock Try-outs from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Jackson’s Gymnasium!  This is a great opportunity for any girls who weren’t able to attend camp to come and develop a better understanding of what they will need to know for try-outs!

August 9th- Jackson Cheer Try-Outs from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm in Jackson’s Gymnasium!

What to Wear~All girls will need to come to try-outs in black shorts, their grey camp t-shirt if they have one (a plain grey shirt if they weren’t able to make it to camp), and tennis shoes!  Please make sure to bring a bottle of water, have your hair in a pony tail, and leave your jewelry at home!  

Information for All Girls Who Make Jackson Cheer:

August 9th- All girls will practice from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm on this day, and there will be a parent meeting at 7:30 in the gym!

Practice Schedule for the Remainder of the Week:

August 10th and 11th-6:00 pm to 8:00 pm!  

August 12th- We plan to attend the PHS Ice Cream social together on this day, and details will be given this upcoming week!