September 8th & 9th
Before School 7:45 a.m.
Teachers arrive in cafeteria and introduce themselves to 6th graders. Classes are dismissed by 1st period to go with their teachers.
1st Period
Students bring belongings and breakfast into the classroom. Take attendance at 8:10am. Students will be dismissed by color to quickly place belongings in locker and return to classroom with their locks. Teachers have unlocked the locks so that when 6th graders come in, they don't have to worry about the combination before placing items in lockers. Once students return to class, teacher demonstrates how to use a combination lock. Students utilize the rest of the class period working on locks. Give out schedule cards. Address mask wearing, only 3 students per restroom, walk on right side of hallway, bell does not dismiss you from class only the announcement for each grade level and your teacher. Point out the location of the 2nd period classrooms.
2nd Period
Tour of JMS. We will stagger leave times and all follow the same path so that classes do not run
into each other during the tour.
Mr. Fosselman will be the first to tour), exiting left from the classroom, through the main hallway, point down the hallway for cafeteria, guidance counselor, speech, band, and choir, around the gymnasium, through the 7th grade hallway, up to the 8th grade hallway, out the breezeway and back through the 6th grade hallway. After each class leaves, the next person will wait a few minutes and then leave for their tour, following this order: Mr. Fosselman, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Hill, Ms. Poling, Mrs. Ferrebee, Mrs. Boston, Mrs. Gates, and Ms. Boggs. Please make sure to point out each 6th grade teacher's classroom, Mrs. Owen, Mr. Deem, Mr. Gray, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Mason, Ms. Arnold, Mrs. Cheuvront, nurse, office, library, gym, and restroom locations. Return to classroom and discuss lunch procedures.
**Any extra time to be used for Q&As
3rd Period
Normal schedule
I/E Time
4th Period
Normal schedule
5th Period
Discuss rules, expectations, end of school dismissal procedures, distribute paperwork, agendas, reminders, etc.
**Folder already put together of all forms
6th Period
Allow students to ask questions as well as time to practice their locks. This would also be the time to allow students to decorate their lockers if they choose.
Q&A Session
At the end of the period, dismiss students to grab all of their belongings from their lockers to take to 7th period.
7th Period
Normal schedule