Jackson Middle School's Makers Club truly brought the fun this Saturday at their 1st Annual Bloom Academy! Fifth graders from surrounding feeder schools were invited to participate with teammates in creative S.T.E.A.M Challenges! Participants designed sails to propel a large rubber duck for the Ducky Derby and even competed to create paper airplanes that could fly a Mochi squish toy! These were only two of the five amazing challenges designed by the Makers Club with the help of faculty advisors Cherish George and Ronnie Talbott! The day was filled with creative thinking, problem solving, and on-the-fly engineering! Watch out world, our future Generals will get the job done in the name of science! The Makers Club would like to thank all participants, JMS faculty, and parent volunteers who helped to make their 1st Bloom Academy a success! We would also like to thank Candace Lewis, Wood County's Math and Science Coordinator, for showing up to support our students and future Generals! Last but not least, we would like to thank the Board of Education for continuing to champion S.T.E.A.M. in our county!
1st Place Winners~Team da Vinci-Addison Craven and Riley Vanfossen from Vienna Elementary
2nd Place Winners~Team Darwin-Cali Kerns and Sierra Alford from Emerson
Here is a look at Jackson Middle School's 1st Annual Bloom Academy!