iPad Damage Waiver enrollment open
PARKERSBURG - Wood County Schools is again offering a damage waiver program for student iPads.
The program allows families to pay an upfront fee at the beginning of the school year which reduces the cost of repair and replacement of the iPad those enrolled. Families can buy in one student for $30 or pay $60 for a family plan, which includes 2 or more students.
The waiver and explanation of costs can be accessed at https://tinyurl.com/WCSDamageWaiver2022 or by clicking the direct link https://lepay.wvsto.com/processepay/default.aspx?GUID=C3AF3712-8C18-415F-A23F-0B94F1B68650
If a family paid for the damage waiver last year and did NOT have a claim, that payment is rolled over into this year and the family is automatically enrolled again.
If a family paid for the damage waiver last year and DID have a claim, they can buy back in to the program by filling out and paying for a new damage waiver.
The program does require a student number. Contact your child’s school if you do not know their student number.
Payment can be submitted to the Information Desk at the Wood County Board of Education Central Office (1210 13th St. Parkersburg) or mailed to our technology department at WCS MIS , 1600 Beverly Street, Parkersburg, WV 26101. Questions can be emailed to Information Technology Director Jonathan Farley at j.e.farley@k12.wv.us.