Wood BOE meets Tuesday
PARKERSBURG - The Wood County Board of Education will meet Tuesday at Parkersburg High School to honor retirees and receive facility and technology updates.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 23, in the Parkersburg High School auditorium at 2101 Dudley Ave. in Parkersburg. The meeting is open to the public and will be streamed online.
The meeting is being held at PHS to allow for the school board and administration to recognize and thank all of Wood County Schools FY 2022 retirees.
The board also will receive an update on construction, a request to purchase technology to increase safety at schools, and discussion and possible action on the district’s continuing levy which will be up for renewal in November.
A full agenda and link to the online stream can be found at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com under Our District/Board of Education/Agendas.