WCS rolls out GoGuardian app
PARKERSBURG - Wood County Schools has rolled out a new content filtering system to ensure students are safe and appropriate while using school system technology to access the internet.
The GoGuardian app is active on all Wood County Schools iPads and creates a portal for accessing information online. The program does not record sites or program usage on the iPad, but activates if questionable content is accessed.
If an inappropriate website is visited or if GoGuardian detects inappropriate content, it will log the date, time and user, and can take screenshots of content. That information is accessible by Wood County Schools’ technology department, and alerts can be sent to a student’s home school. Principals can then determine the appropriate response, including contacting parents or disciplinary action.
Since the program is on each iPad, it works regardless of where it accesses wifi. This program is on all Wood County Schools iPad devices, including those used by students, staff and teachers. Wood County Schools is dedicated to making sure educational technologies are used appropriately at all levels and that students remain safe.
The app is being provided to all West Virginia school systems by the West Virginia Department of Education. For more information on GoGuardian, visit https://www.goguardian.com.