Blennerhassett Middle reopens Tuesday
Wood County Schools officials have announced Blennerhassett Middle School will reopen when all schools return to session Tuesday.
The school was temporarily closed Friday due to a surge in Covid-19 cases among students. All schools will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day.
Officials have spent the weekend completing contact tracing and deep-cleaning the Blennerhassett School facility.
Officials also have updated the School Recovery and Guidance Document, including who should quarantine after a Covid-19 exposure. The updated guidance can be found at In the event of a confirmed Covid-positive exposure:
- Students who have been vaccinated do NOT have to quarantine.
- Students attending a county with a universal mask requirement (such as Wood County Schools) and are unvaccinated will need to quarantine if within six feet of a confirmed case in high-risk areas such as cafeterias or extracurricular settings where mask are not worn.
- Quarantine will last for 7-10 days. More details on those options are available in the guidance document.