Wood BOE meeting Tuesday
PARKERSBURG - The Wood County Board of Education will meet online Tuesday (Nov. 24) to discuss facility projects and proposed calendars for next school year.
The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at Wood County Schools Central Office at 1210 13th Street in Parkersburg and will be broadcast online via Zoom. A full agenda and link to the online meeting can be found at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com under Menu: Policies: Meetings.
If someone wishes to address the board during public comment, they may come to the central office but will be asked to wait outside the meeting and will be allowed to enter the board room one at a time to speak.
The board will receive an update on facilities projects throughout the county from Assistant Superintendent Mike Fling.
Three draft calendars will be presented by Director of Elementary Schools Keith Palmer. Copies of the proposed calendars can be found in the online meeting agenda.
During his superintendent’s report, Superintendent Will Hosaflook will present information concerning the district’s instructional plan for the next two weeks, snow day procedures, personnel numbers, COVID-19 quarantines in schools and the county’s positivity and infection rates.