Bus Hub meal delivery launches Monday
Nov. 8, 2020
WCS will launch Operation BUS HUB beginning Monday, Nov. 9. Buses will be delivering a sack lunch and tomorrow's breakfast to students who are current bus riders. For students who do not daily ride a bus, there will be an application posted on the WCS website for families to request a meal be delivered at a location to be determined. The application will be open all day and close each evening at 5:00 p.m.
Students are asked to be present at their bus stop 4.5 hours later than normal. In example, if you normally get on the bus at 7:00 am you should be at your stop to pick up lunch at 11:30 am. This is not an exact science and parents and students should be prepared for routes to run early or late until a more stable schedule can be achieved. Please continue to monitor the WCS app, the WCS website at www.woodcountyschoolswv.net, the WCS Facebook page, and Channel 15 for additional information as if becomes available.