COVID Case confirmed at Edison Middle School
Oct. 30, 2020
Wood County Schools has been informed of a positive COVID 19 case at Edison Middle School. At this time, we have already taken steps to inform individuals that we believe were directly exposed to the positive individual. If you are not contacted by the principal or school nurse, no action is needed at this time. However, the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department is working closely with Wood County Schools to identify any other potential persons who may have had close contact with the individual that tested positive for COVID-19. If the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department determines contact has occurred with the positive individual, you will be contacted accordingly.
Wood County Schools will continue to take appropriate actions, working in collaboration with the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department, to protect the safety and well-being of our students and staff.
To keep our schools open to our children, it will take our entire community following established COVID-19 protocols including hand washing, use of hand sanitizer, use of face coverings, and practicing social distancing. We appreciate your on-going support and commitment to the health and well-being of the Wood County Schools Community.
If you have questions, please contact the School Nurse at Edison Middle School or Julie Bertram, Nursing Coordinator for Wood County Schools, at the Wood County Board of Education. You may also contact the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department @ 304-485-7374.