Wood BOE to discuss re-entry plans Wednesday
PARKERSBURG - The Wood County Board of Education will hold a special meeting Wednesday to discuss the Wood County Schools re-entry plan.
The board will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday at the district’s Central Office at 13th and Plum streets in Parkersburg. The meeting is open to the public though masks are required and seating is limited due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The meeting will be broadcast online through Zoom.
The meeting will begin with a vote to allow a “substitute agenda” to be brought to the floor. A copy of the substitute agenda is available as a document in the online agenda.
Superintendent Will Hosaflook said the substitute agenda outlines multiple topics dealing with state COVID-19 regulations, federal and local health guidelines, and information on the district’s current re-entry plan.
The substitute agenda also contains a time for public comment. The amount of time allowed per speaker will depend on the number of speakers.
Hosaflook said a motion to approve a substitute agenda is necessary because “it would not follow the regular rules of the board of education” in presenting items.
“We want to have all the facts laid out prior to the public comment because a lot of their questions might be answered by those facts,” he said. Hosaflook also said the board is not able to respond to speakers during public comments, so the changed format will hopefully allow members of the public to make statements and offer opinions rather than asking questions the board cannot immediately answer.
The substitute agenda also allows for a vote on any re-entry action items put forward by the board. The board can then resume the regular scheduled meeting.
The complete agenda and link to the Zoom meeting can be found at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com under Menu:Policies:Meetings.