Wood Schools to continue blended learning
PARKERSBURG - Wood County Schools will continue its blended learning format next week, with students alternating days in class and working from home.
The school system has been operating on the blended model since school began Sept. 8 and will continue the week of Sept. 21, said Superintendent Will Hosaflook.
The county this week went from Green to Yellow on the state’s COVID-19 map due to an increase in community spread of coronavirus. The change has very little immediate impact as Wood County Schools has been operating on the blended model to help students, parents and staff adapt to the mix of in-person and remote learning.
“So there is no change in how we are doing things right now,” Hosaflook said.
Because the state tracks community spread of coronavirus, keeping students actively engaged in school and sports equires everyone to work together.
“We are asking everyone - students, teachers, parents and community members - to do their part,” Hosaflook said. “Follow the CDC Guidelines. Wear a mask. Social distance. Wash your hands. Everyone needs to help us get back into the green and get students back in the schools full time.”
Wood County Schools officials will continue to monitor state and local health reports and publish updates on a regular basis. Those updates can be found online at www.woodcountyschoolswv.com under Menu: Live Feed or News, and by downloading the Wood County Schools app.