In an effort to keep sick people from entering our schools, we are requiring all staff and parents of students to perform a daily health screening at home before coming or sending students to school. The screening includes a temperature check, a review of possible symptoms, and two questions about possible exposure to Covid-19. The Covid-19 Health Screening self-assessment is posted on the WCS website under Wellness; Health Services.
We now understand that many individuals are asymptomatic in the first days of having Covid-19 or may remain asymptomatic throughout the course of the disease. Daily performance of mass screenings is NOT effective in preventing viral transmission because asymptomatic individuals will pass through those screenings.
Instead, we will be strictly implementing other protective measures on our school campuses which include physical distancing, hand washing, wearing a face covering and regular cleaning of school environments.
Visitors will not be permitted on campuses unless absolutely necessary. Any visitor who must enter a school campus will be met with a temperature check and screening because that activity IS a protective measure.
It is vitally important that EVERYONE monitor their health and potential exposure to illness prior to entering our campuses and NOT come to school when sick or after exposure.
If you have questions or concerns, you can contact your school nurse or email me at We look forward to seeing everyone soon… and please remember, we are all in this together.