We have been doing our best to plan for a safe return to school for all staff and students. Our plans rely on everyone doing their part to keep each other safe. Anyone who can wear a face covering is required to do so. If you are the parent of a PreK-2nd grade student, please be working with your child to learn how to wear and tolerate a face covering. Face coverings are required for all students in grades 3-12 and staff, but strongly recommended for all students… even the youngest kiddos.
Please be talking at home with your child about physical distancing and handwashing so that they are prepared to do these things at school. We will also be discussing, modeling and reinforcing physical distancing and handwashing daily at school to be sure everyone understands and remembers the expectations.
WV immunization and health exam requirements for school attendance and entry have not changed due to the pandemic. Students enrolled in West Virginia Virtual School must follow the same requirements. All immunization requirements and other health information are posted on the www.woodcountyschoolswv.com website under Menu; Wellness; Health Services.
Be sure to get your family their flu shots as soon as possible. Getting a flu shot this fall will be more important than ever, not only to reduce your risk from flu but also to help conserve our community’s health care resources during the Covid-19 pandemic.
In an effort to keep sick people from coming into our schools, we are requiring that all staff and parents of students conduct a daily health screening prior to coming to school. The health screening is posted under the Health Services menu on the website. It is imperative that staff and students do not come to school if they feel sick or have been exposed to someone who has Covid-19. I will be sending you another call in the next few days to discuss the daily parent/self-health screening.
Please be sure and download the WCS app for your device. This is a valuable communication and informational tool for our school community.
If you have questions or concerns, you can contact your school nurse or email me at jbertram@k12.wv.us. We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon… and please remember, we are all in this together.