Jackson Middle School and Simonton Windows Team Up for the Explore Student Video Contest
Vienna, West Virginia, March 14, 2023 – Explore the New Manufacturing is pleased to release Jackson Middle School’s video submission in the North Central region of the Explore Student Video Contest. The video showcases Simonton Windows, a member of Cornerstone Building Brands, West Virginia production facilities.
The students are competing for three regional awards: Outstanding Creativity, Best Manufacturing Message, and the Viewer's Choice. Visit https://www.exploremfgwv.com/2... to view the Jackson Middle School video and cast your vote in the Viewer’s Choice Contest. Voting closes on March 19th at midnight.
The Jackson Middle School team: Jenna Beane, Ella Collins, Julia Fairchild, Taylor Haught, Adalee Jones, Evan McCleary, Cadrian Miller, Chloe Mulligan, Reagan Rauh, Audry Singer, Chloe Thomas, and Baylee White.
”Albert Einstein said it best when he said that ‘Education is not the learning of facts but training the mind to think,’ commented Cherish George, faculty advisor. “This competition has provided our students many opportunities to be innovative, explore new technology, test their perseverance, and make real world connections, all while working together as a team. I cannot think of a better way to train the mind to think.” The team was also supported by Ronald Talbott, faculty advisor.
“Being involved in the Explore Student Video Contest gave Cornerstone Building Brands the opportunity to showcase, to the employees of tomorrow, Simonton Windows as a manufacturing environment that isn’t such a scary place to work,” stated Alisa Blake, HR Manager at Simonton Windows. “This project enabled CBB to plant the seed that employment at Simonton Windows can be a successful career option for students choosing not to pursue higher education.
The Simonton Windows support team: Alisa Blake, Matt Bush, Trina Dennis, Mike Reitmire and Andrew Swartz.
“Today’s middle school students will be tomorrow’s workforce in manufacturing in West Virginia,” said Program Director Monica Cross, who oversees the Explore the New Manufacturing program on behalf of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association Educational Fund’s efforts to create student awareness and excitement about careers in manufacturing and the training opportunities for these positions in their local areas. “We are excited to share Jackson Middle School’s video with you. The team did an excellent job, and their results illustrate the use of creativity, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.”
About the Program: Explore the New Manufacturing is a program of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association Educational Fund, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization. Explore brings together tomorrow’s workforce with local and regional manufacturing companies to inform students of educational and career opportunities in the state’s manufacturing industry. For more information visit www.exploremfgwv.com.